
5 Recommendations to Increase the Outreach of Your Car Dealership Website

5 Recommendations to increase the outreach of your cardealer website

Increase Car Dealership Outreach

If you are considering launching a car dealership website or wish to redesign the existing site, you should consider certain important aspects in order to generate the leads you’re looking for. Here are some key recommendations to optimize the structure of your car dealer website.

Think of the digital consumer

Your website must attract at first glance. In the book "You've Got to Be Believed to Be Heard" author, Bert Decker affirms that the impression caused during the first two seconds is so vivid that it takes another four minutes to add 50% more impact (negative or positive) to that experience. Put simply, first impressions are everything. In a digital world with well-informed clients, the design is a big part of the attraction.

Investing in loading speed

The latest Google studies conclude that 5 out of 10 visits to a web page are dropped if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Results show that slow loading frustrates users and leaves a negative impression on their experience with your website.

Avoid the use of image banks

A demonstration of confidence to your customers is as important as the images on your site. The more authentic your website, the more confidence it conveys, which benefits your brand. Stock images are often used in the absence of an image of the actual vehicle, or as a placeholder. Getting images of the actual vehicle is critical because real images help your clients associate your site with authenticity and credibility. Concentrating your efforts on this aspect of your website will prove a positive return on investment. If you do use an image from a bank try to make it your own, use one that isn't used by everyone and perhaps have your designer manipulate it to make it your own.

Choose responsive design

Google changed its algorithm in 2015, which modified the way the web shows the results of a search. Since then websites that adapt to this method have greater reach and positioning. You must offer your client the greatest possible ease of use. A good way to keep up on User Experience (UX) innovations is by reading up what’s new for your specific business. The web is rife with content. Consulting with an expert is also a great way to do this. A good designer will share insights with you on the latest advances because it’s their job to be up to date. Staying active will yield results and keep your customers happy.

Leave space for customer opinions

Clients on your website are interested in reading comments and opinions of others. Leaving space on your site for interaction can generate more client confidence in your automotive website. Most importantly, it’s a place for you to get feedback on what works and what doesn’t. Pay close attention to customer comments because they will help your company stay strong.

Consult the experts

Designing a website for your dealership requires drawing on the knowledge of experts so that your experience and abilities come to life for the customer the way you intended. Tell us if you have any comments. We’re very interested in your opinions on this topic.

If you are interested in building or rebuilding your site or need advice on how to improve your company’s electronic footprint, give us a call.


If you’re in need of a creative team to help with your internet presence, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

For more ways to improve your website, visit TechBusBee.

Nancy M. Hernandez
Nancy M. Hernandez
UX Director and software entrepreneur helping businesses manage and developing their websites and marketing channels. Loves helping and motivating others to succeed.

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